How to Build a Flywheel: From Amazon to Hubspot

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One of the most interesting topics in product growth that I have been reading about for the past few years is that of the flywheel.

That’s because, in these tough tech markets, the need to double down on your flywheel is more important than it has been in 20 years.

Tech is having a similar moment to that 2001 period: times are tough. But that also means the companies that grow with maniacal focus could have the trajectory that Amazon has had.

It’s the perfect time to double down on your flywheel. It can enable your exponential, Amazon-like growth curve:

Amazon’s revenue turbulence in 2001 is undetectable if you zoom out to see its recent growth.

So, the next question naturally is: how do you build a flywheel? And then, how do you double down on it? Here’s exactly what you need to do.

How to Build a Flywheel: From Amazon to Zomato

Creating a great flywheel is part art, part science. There’s no “right answer,” but there are flywheels that are more well-constructed than others. To help you get all the information you need to build a great flywheel, here’s what we’re going to cover:

  1. The Flywheels of 10 Amazing Companies

  2. The 3 Types of Flywheels

  3. Constructing Your Own Flywheel

Then we’ll end with how to double-down on your flywheel.

1. The Flywheels of 10 Amazing Companies

Flywheels can vary for different types of companies. Let’s begin our study by parsing through a few examples.

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